Integrated Change and FIAT Swap Platform
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Money Swap Information
Money Swap is the engine that powers the MoneyFund ecosystem.
$Money 0x100 is the bedrock that anchors the MoneyFund layer 2 infrastructure to the Ethereum network using the Change Swap smart contract.
Change is the offchain $Money equivalent that serves as the underlying denomination for the MoneyFund ecosystem. The MoneyFund protocol also allows for Change to be transferred between wallets.
Users can acquire Change by swapping from $Money 1:1, or by purchasing Change at $Money market price with Fiat using PayPal. Once the change is acquired, it is saved to your MoneyFund account balance and the centralized MoneyFund ledger.
Users can then use their Change to interact with MoneyFund infrastructure to multiply it into more. Once the user is ready to realize their Change balance, all they need to do is use Money Swap to convert their change back into $Money 1:1.